Orphan Education Foundation

About Orphan Education Foundation


Founder Dave Roderick greets children at the orphanage

Founder Dave Roderick is a voluntary paramedic who traveled to Haiti in January 2010 to assist with disaster relief.  During his numerous trips there, Dave visited several orphanages in Port au Prince and was appalled by the conditions in the orphanages and by how little was being done for orphans of Haiti.  Believing that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, Dave has dedicated himself to hiring teachers to teach in orphanages.   OEF has started by providing educational opportunities in Haiti but Dave’s vision is to expand the program globally.

Dave and his children on a recent trip to Haiti

Dave Roderick is a small business owner currently residing in Philadelphia, PA. He is a voluntary paramedic and the president of the local fire company. He holds a degree in Political Science from Lehigh University and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. Dave enjoys spending time with each of his four adult children, including a recent trip to Haiti with all of them serving together in the orphanage in Ganthier.